Hourglass Society
Thursday, July 24, 2003
"...it represents a state of mind into which we are all prone to through natural sloth to relapse, consists of those people who cannot believe that things will ever be very different from what they are at the moment. From time to time, under the influence perhaps of some persuasive writer or speaker, they may have an instant of disquiet or hope; but an invincible sluggishness of imagination makes them go on behaving as if nothing would ever change."
--T.S. Eliot, _Christianity and Culture_
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Monday, July 21, 2003
I have but a moment as I sit in this internet cafe in the heated-and-getting-hotter streets of Geneva. But I would like to say (and by Jove, why shouldn't I?) that I very much enjoy reading the poetry that you guys put on this page. Keep it up.

If you would like to know what I am doing here, click here for info on our outreach to "Genf".

And Thursdays are actually a light peach color. Sorry.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2003

i am overwhelmed.

But i think you are wrong about thursday. violet. definately violet.

Grey should never be assigned to a specific day as it is variable and can be arbitrarily assigned depending on weather, circumstances and the tides. Did you know that the full moon in LA is more beautiful than in seattle? i think the smog may create effects that are non-existant in seattle.

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Friday, July 11, 2003
I just found a blog spot titled, "Brothers and Sisters from Other Mothers and Misters." Brilliant. Truly brilliant. Because that's what you all are to me. *sniff*

I would like to dedicate this next poem to Jen, whose birthday took place on Tuesday:

tuesday has a |blue| aura,
while Wednesday is definitely yellow.

thursday gives a gray sensation
and fridays are red.

saturday is red, too.

sunday is multi-colored,
the skittles of the weekday.

monday mixes all the colors of the
week and when you mix too many
colors you always get...

... brown

but tuesdays are always nice.
i like tuesdays.
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In response to Tim
othy's brillian

Check neck
Fort Tuney,
Sport glops
Nop Fluney.

Itcher nettum
Itcher nah;
Floober doober
Koober - HAH!

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Sunday, July 06, 2003
It's Raining In Love
Richard Brautigan

I don't know what it is,
but I distrust myself
when I start to like a girl
a lot.

It makes me nervous.
I don't say the right things
or perhaps I start
to examine,
what I am saying.

If I say, "Do you think it's going to rain?"
and she says, "I don't know,"
I start thinking: does she really like me?

In other words
I get a little creepy.

A friend of mine once said,
"Its twenty time better to be friends
with someone
than it is to be in love with them."
I think he's right and besides,
it's raining somewhere, programming flowers
and keeping snails happy.
That's all taken care of.

if a girl likes me a lot
and starts getting real nervous
and suddenly begins asking me funny questions
and looks sad if i give the wrong answers
and she says things like,
"Do you think it's going to rain?"
and i say, "It beats me,"
and she says, "Oh,"
and looks a little sad
at the clear blue California sky,
I think: Thank God, it's you, baby, this time
instead of me.
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Selecting A Reader
Ted Kooser

First, I would have her be beautiful,
and walking carefully up on my poetry
at the loneliest moment of an afternoon,
her hair still damp at the neck
from washing it. She should be wearing
a raincoat, on old one, dirty
from not having money enough for the cleaners.
She will take out her glasses, and there
in the bookstore, she will thumb
over my poems, then put the book back
up on its shelf. She will say to herself,
"For that kind of money, I can get
my raincoat cleaned." And she will.
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